Thank you for your donation to Endless Horizons Inc
Your generosity is appreciated!
Have you subscribed to our Endless Good News? it will keep you abreast of the plans that we have On The Horizon.
Thank you! The funds that you have provided will go towards the purpose that you selected at the point of giving.
If you have selected the general Operating Expenses, the funds will go towards the day-to-day operations of Endless Horizons Inc. Directly enabeling the Counseling and Placement of people in need in Detox and Rehabilitation services. This includes expenses such as telecommunications and traveling expenses with-in Victoria. You can read more about our Programs here
If you have selected the On The Horizon, the funds will go into the audacious fund for our expansion plans. You can read more about our Future Direction here
We see you as part of the Endless Horizons family, and now “we are friends for Life!”
Jim and Neda Mangioros
Endless Horizons Inc trading name Endless Horizons is a Christian Charity with tax concession status and Deductible gift recipient status in Australia
We have send you an Tax Recipt by email