On the Horizon
The new decade 2020 has given us impetus to move forward with some audacious plans — On the Horizon
As Endless Horizons has been at the coalface working with drug and alcohol affected youth and their families for over 20 years, we have an extensive understanding of the challenges associated with sector.
We know and understand the Northern Melbourne Metropolitan demographic and the peculiar challenges met by the divergent cultures and the continuing assimilation of new migrant groups.
We understand the tightening of compliance and regulatory challenges required to bring a new service to market.
We are looking for funding from both private and public sources.
We have plans in place to develop and generate annuity income streams to provide cash flow over and above those sources to maintain affordable services at the highest possible quality.
We have grown the Endless Horizons Board with new appointees to expand outreach and provide a continuing framework of governance and acquittal of funding.
From our previous endeavors Endless Horizons has gained substantial working knowledge around diverting youth from the potential of substance abuse. And, we intend over the next Five years to roll out an interconnected group of Three services. We will be spearheading the following three initiatives
Rapid Detox and Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers
Addiction is an increasing fact of modern society, and in Victoria we are struggling to keep up with the demand. There is an ongoing shortage in addiction treatments in Victoria. We intend to develop a 360-degree drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, uniquely focused on long-term sobriety. Because Endless Horizons focuses on a clients Personal Pivot Point we need to provide our clients immediate access to medically-supervised detox, however we are finding it more difficult to access these services.
Rapid Detox Center
We intend to develop a multi-bed residential unit to provide medically-supervised rapid detox, with a focus on catching people “just-in-time” at their Personal Pivot Point.
Live-in Rehabilitation Centers
To facilitate rehabilitation and long-term recovery from dependence, we aim to establish and run 2 Rehabilitation Facilities. These facilities will provide Medical, Psychological and Spiritual support, and training-up basic interpersonal, communication and relationship skills, to enable people to sustainably rebuild family connections and establish healthy relationships. This includes counselling and working with families, so that old patterns of behavior are broken. Return To Work programs with employment opportunities are also planned as offerings to those who have successfully engaged in, and are maintaining their recovery.
Kids, Youth and Outreach Centre
The centre will operate as a safe and supportive space for vulnerable young people needing refuge, assistance with provision of food and clothing, as well as welfare services. It will also be a fun and exciting place, offering free games and activities, and training in cooking, life skills and assistance with organisational duties including coaching in homework/schooling.
Our outreach program will enable young people to seek assistance, and where necessary, obtain referral to welfare agencies, counselling services and ongoing mentoring and support.
Child Safety Policy: Endless Horizons is committed to promoting and protecting the interests and safety of children. This organisation complies with Victorian Child Safe Standards. Mandatory Reporting: In Australia, child abuse is a crime. Endless Horizons within the law in Australia, Section 327 of the Crimes Act 1958.
Refuge for Victims of Domestic Violence (Both Male and Female)
It is a sad fact that domestic violence is the leading cause of homelessness in Australia. The number of homeless people jumped by more than 15,000 in five years before 2016 and this number is increasing. On any given night in Australia, 100,000 people are homeless. More than one third are youths aged 12-18 and young adults aged 18-25. Half of these young people are escaping the danger of domestic abuse.
Our vision is to set up refuges for victims of domestic violence that connects to welfare services to help the most vulnerable citizens in our community.